We are getting to know the dark this winter at Rock Bottom Ranch. Every new moon, the darkest time of the month, a ranch naturalist will host Winter Star Gazing, a chance to get acquainted with the night sky. Take advantage of the opportunity for the clearest star gazing of the month and get to know the beauty of the ranch at night. We’ll hone our night vision, learn stories of the winter constellations, and become inspired by the same stars that have guided civilizations for thousands of years
On Tuesday, December 11 at 7pm, we’ll learn the stories behind Orion, one of the most familiar winter constellations. Cultures throughout the world have told stories about the famed hunter who, according to the dozens of myths and legends, lived a full and exciting life! Come learn about how Orion was stung by a scorpion, shot by an arrow, and banished to the stars for pursuing the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.
Winter Star Gazing will also be offered on January 15, February 12, and March 12. Programs begin at 7 pm and run for one hour. Hot drinks and snacks provided. Suggested donation is $10/family. Call Rock Bottom Ranch at (970) 927-6760 with questions and for more information.
Please RSVP at www.aspennature.org
~ Erin Griffin
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